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Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

ElementalIncarnate posted on 2011-08-06 17:22 :
When I first bought Anna Riva's magick oil, I didn't see this many varieties. I tried several, the ones I love most are Abra Melin, Can't Stay Away and Arabian Nights. In the future, I figure that health and money are more important, I will focus on those instead. Magick oil is light, small and easy to hide. I mean you can't hide the scent but you can hide the bottle. You know how magick needs to be performed in secrecy especially when you're not living alone or you are living with people who are not likely to accept what you're doing. Simple to use, conveniently carried, I highly recommend this oil to anyone who wants to change the tide to their favour.

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

il mare posted on 2010-08-22 23:59 :
用了這個candle make了幾個wish, 其中一個是希望對方主動關心我,我無理佢一個星期後,佢有send一個message來問候我,算是有少少成果,不過那一次問候就再沒有另外的回應,可能因為自己有時太懶,不是每一天都make wish,沒有依時點蠟燭make wish...所以效果還等待。

Price: $260
2 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

bingbing posted on 2009-01-20 08:11 :
Love Me

At the first time when I saw 'love me', I think it is only for relationship, but it can use for friendship too...!!! The smell is good!!

It is works, and deserve to be mention is....'it have different function' not only for relationship...!!!!!
Highly recommend!=)

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Smudge Stick: Desert Sage 5

Smudge Stick: Desert Sage 5"

bingbing posted on 2009-01-20 08:27 :
This is my first time get in touch with 'Smudge Stick: Desert Sage 7"', when I burn it for purify, the scent was in the air and around my home, but it is not smelly and it is not last too long, make the smeller feel fresh...!!

Really good item!!=)

Price: $70
1 Comment(s)

Espiritu Magick Oil 2 dram

Espiritu Magick Oil 2 dram

Wing Chan posted on 2024-04-15 01:28 :
我購買了 "Success" :
買左Success 大半年,先記得攞出嚟用,用完之後,好似工作上出錯次數減少咗好多,同埋上司俾多咗機會我,會繼續用

Price: $100
4 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

w02097 posted on 2023-02-19 17:34 :
我購買了 "Weight Loss" :
真心推薦。19號買了。到現在已經輕了2.5 kg 約

Price: $190
3 Comment(s)

Talisman for Good Luck

Talisman for Good Luck

shimokoi posted on 2012-02-29 23:42 :
哈^^用了差不多4個月了...多數上班才帶..令我工作順利勁多A_A遇小好多麻煩事...又做到自己鐘意既POST 抽到自己鐘意既禮物 etc...good luck(^0^)/

Price: $380
2 Comment(s)

Green Glyphs Tarot

Green Glyphs Tarot

Bard Wu posted on 2024-01-19 09:16 :

Price: $580
1 Comment(s)

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