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Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

crimgrimmy posted on 2016-07-03 18:59 :
Blessing oil

I have bought this oil to use on my talisman as a blessing and cleansing purpose. I also apply this on my neck before to bed as it also calm my senses and a good sleep.

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Dream Catcher #01_B

Dream Catcher #01_B

麻依❤ * posted on 2008-09-04 21:58 :
好令既 dream catcher!! kakak~~ brown 令D !!

我買左normal, extra small 同 extra large!! hahahah~~

我成日都發夢! 一緊張呀 諗多左野就會發惡夢!! 

dream catcher 都幾好呀!

起碼 發D ok 既 吾會令我吾開心既夢!! ^^

Price: $80
2 Comment(s)

Swallow Heart in Envelope

Swallow Heart in Envelope

600741 posted on 2012-11-21 21:44 :


果時電話WHATSAPP是著緊..見住XX:TYPING @_@


Price: $200
8 Comment(s)

Talisman for Riches and Honors

Talisman for Riches and Honors

600774 posted on 2013-06-03 13:14 :

Price: $380
7 Comment(s)

Candle Spell Kit

Candle Spell Kit

亞茹 posted on 2012-10-16 03:13 :
It's really great 要努力呀我,我用既係success我只係用左一次,已經好work

Price: $480
8 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Kristywantingho posted on 2014-03-31 11:32 :
買左love me oil ,
(經理仲送左小禮物俾我 @_@ )

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Practical Solitary Magic

Practical Solitary Magic

Melpomene posted on 2022-04-18 03:09 :
Overall a good starter book for ceremonial magick lite, so to speak.

Like many books of its era, it suffers from fear mongering passages and lots of opinions stated as facts ex Law of Rebound as objective fact, projection of contemporary human morality on deities, very specific ideas on spirit elementals, bashing the left hand path etc

Other problems include ill-advised practices, such as suggesting one bathe with malachite, malachite being a toxic mineral that dissolves in water, as well as dripping perfume into a stream as offerings to Ondines, which seems more like a great way to piss off water spirits for polluting their streams with synthetic chemicals.

It is a very very very Eurocentric and dated understanding of the world and magic ex Asia referred to as the Orient , but if you can look past all that I have read above, it serves as a decent start on a variety of subjects.

I personally enjoyed the dissection of the various planes and their functions towards magical working, and most of the anecdotes the author shares about her experiences. It is nice seeing a book getting down to the nitty gritty of the actual doing process of magick and the struggles one might find on their journey, as opposed to just copy pasting a bunch of spells, giving you brief reasons for their addition and then moving on.

Price: $300
1 Comment(s)

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant

麻依❤ * posted on 2008-09-02 00:49 :
我呢排好多野煩! especially 男友果D!

我前日就薰左jupiter , 想個心平靜D, 吾好再為男友D野煩心!

薰完 就好有效!!

即時 吾再為佢D野而發大睥氣! 理得佢 既 心態! haha

起碼 個心吾會甘易 激氣!! good!!!!!

Price: $380
5 Comment(s)

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