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Practical Solitary Magic

Practical Solitary Magic

Melpomene posted on 2022-04-18 03:09 :
Overall a good starter book for ceremonial magick lite, so to speak.

Like many books of its era, it suffers from fear mongering passages and lots of opinions stated as facts ex Law of Rebound as objective fact, projection of contemporary human morality on deities, very specific ideas on spirit elementals, bashing the left hand path etc

Other problems include ill-advised practices, such as suggesting one bathe with malachite, malachite being a toxic mineral that dissolves in water, as well as dripping perfume into a stream as offerings to Ondines, which seems more like a great way to piss off water spirits for polluting their streams with synthetic chemicals.

It is a very very very Eurocentric and dated understanding of the world and magic ex Asia referred to as the Orient , but if you can look past all that I have read above, it serves as a decent start on a variety of subjects.

I personally enjoyed the dissection of the various planes and their functions towards magical working, and most of the anecdotes the author shares about her experiences. It is nice seeing a book getting down to the nitty gritty of the actual doing process of magick and the struggles one might find on their journey, as opposed to just copy pasting a bunch of spells, giving you brief reasons for their addition and then moving on.

Price: $300
1 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick - Witch Bottle Small

Avalon Magick - Witch Bottle Small

shimokoi posted on 2017-11-19 17:06 :
8月時買左Job Hunting ,收左後過左幾日就有OFFER...可惜唔係我心目中許願果個...唸左一陣最後都係放棄唔要個offer, 好快又見第份工, 不過比人壓價壓得好勁, 所以都算數。繼續每日許願,好神奇,過多幾日hr又打黎 叫我再in...仲話可以出到我想要既offer~! 最後in成左 好開心~!

Price: $550
4 Comment(s)

Aibo Dog Tarot V2

Aibo Dog Tarot V2

Bard Wu posted on 2024-01-19 09:45 :

Price: $580
1 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

w02097 posted on 2023-02-19 17:34 :
我購買了 "Weight Loss" :
真心推薦。19號買了。到現在已經輕了2.5 kg 約

Price: $190
3 Comment(s)

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

麻依❤ * posted on 2008-09-02 00:42 :
venus 都好有用!

我同我男友關係好左好多! haha! 可能係因為之前關係係 -100 , 而家去到 0 " 呢個只係German 的 比喻! haha~~

旦如果我果日一同我男友嘈交, 我都會反到屋企 薰下個牌! =]

之後又真係好D! 起碼 佢會識 吾多吾少尊重反我少少! XD


Price: $380
8 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)

Birb posted on 2020-07-08 20:52 :
買咗枝 Venus Oil 嚟改善自愛問題,每日都會搽喺個 Venus talisman 嘅兩面同埋自己手、頸到,之後許願希望可以令到自己珍惜自己,從而改善感情同埋人際關係
用咗都大約一排,效果十分顯著! 男朋友開始明白我情緒問題嘅難處,而自己亦唔會否定自己,最近同朋友仲有同事都多咗傾計,成個人都開心咗好多,真係樣樣都順啲
同埋都有一陣微微嘅草本香味,聞落好舒服,自己搽多少少 rose water 喺面當香水的話會多啲層次
支持本地女巫嘅高質服務 <3

Price: $190
3 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

gracecyw posted on 2007-03-15 01:54 :
我用過aphrodisia, work 得快, clubbing前使用, 保證你成為焦點, 但男生會表現得較急色.

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

Andy Wu posted on 2011-04-27 13:55 :
開頭冇用Magick Oil果時效果不太明顯
當使用了Angel Oil之後效果很明顯

Price: $380
8 Comment(s)

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