



真實客戶 5 星好評查看更多...

Victoria Frances oracle cards

Victoria Frances oracle cards

由 Bard Wu 於 2023-05-25 13:05 發表:

價格: $280
1 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 600834 於 2011-09-14 18:16 發表:
之前寄左成個月信都無乜回音, 用左success 同candle 後.
一星期內就收到電話去 interview, 仲有係 4 個.
好快就有 offer!!

多謝German!! : )

價格: $100
55 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 Faye 於 2008-03-28 03:30 發表:

價格: $100
55 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 餐蛋治好食 於 2017-12-24 17:55 發表:
Secret Of Venus
人緣好左好多, 勁讚!

價格: $100
55 Comment(s)

Practical Solitary Magic

Practical Solitary Magic

由 Melpomene 於 2022-04-18 03:09 發表:
Overall a good starter book for ceremonial magick lite, so to speak.

Like many books of its era, it suffers from fear mongering passages and lots of opinions stated as facts ex Law of Rebound as objective fact, projection of contemporary human morality on deities, very specific ideas on spirit elementals, bashing the left hand path etc

Other problems include ill-advised practices, such as suggesting one bathe with malachite, malachite being a toxic mineral that dissolves in water, as well as dripping perfume into a stream as offerings to Ondines, which seems more like a great way to piss off water spirits for polluting their streams with synthetic chemicals.

It is a very very very Eurocentric and dated understanding of the world and magic ex Asia referred to as the Orient , but if you can look past all that I have read above, it serves as a decent start on a variety of subjects.

I personally enjoyed the dissection of the various planes and their functions towards magical working, and most of the anecdotes the author shares about her experiences. It is nice seeing a book getting down to the nitty gritty of the actual doing process of magick and the struggles one might find on their journey, as opposed to just copy pasting a bunch of spells, giving you brief reasons for their addition and then moving on.

價格: $300
1 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 Panda 於 2013-08-06 10:09 發表:
我用的喺love me.拒個效果唔單單系感情方面.近排工作方面用左,有好多前輩會分享D經驗比我.感覺人都舒服D><

價格: $100
55 Comment(s)

Bat's Head Root

Bat's Head Root

由 w02868 於 2015-01-04 02:24 發表:
Have been using this to achieve my goals and fantasies for 4 years now. Always satisfied with the results. Highly recommended.

價格: $140
1 Comment(s)

The Akashic Tarot

The Akashic Tarot

由 Jan 於 2023-03-29 21:11 發表:
用The Akashic Tarot占卜的結果十分準確,能夠精準仔細地預測和顯示問題,情況,原因,解答和給出建議,是一副厲害的塔羅牌。以後有問題可以安心依靠和使用它。

價格: $350
1 Comment(s)


Luminous Spirit Tarot: Prism Edition

Luminous Spirit Tarot: Prism Edition

This deck is a sister deck to the Golden Thread Tarot - both visually and conceptually. While the Golden Thread is really focused on looking within, the Luminous Spirit is really a...

價格: $780

Before Tarot Deck

Before Tarot Deck

Following the great success of the New Vision Tarot and the After Tarot, this is the third volume of the Trilogy: the Before Tarot. The traditional images of Tarot are now portraye...

價格: $330

Magic Dust Angel Light

Magic Dust Angel Light

可用於任何願望的仙塵。 只需將少許仙塵灑在所需的地方或物品或灑於身上,並唸卡上的咒語並許願。...

價格: $180

Lucky Horseshoe

Lucky Horseshoe

Known traditionally to bring good fortune to those who hang it over their doorways or in their homes, a Horseshoe has long been seen as a powerful form of protection that will brin...

價格: $200

Work Your Light Oracle

Work Your Light Oracle

Are you ready to Work Your Light? This beautiful 44-card oracle deck has been created to help you light up the world with your presence. By working with its five suits and conne...

價格: $280

Soap: Gamblers

Soap: Gamblers

Has your luck seemed to run out when playing games of chance? Bathe with Gamblers Soap before going to the casino, racetrack or the bingo hall and watch your luck begin to change. ...

價格: $110

Talisman for Poets

Talisman for Poets


價格: $380
1 Comment(s)

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant


價格: $380
5 Comment(s)