



真實客戶 5 星好評查看更多...

Talisman of the Saturn Pendant

Talisman of the Saturn Pendant

由 靈學初心者 於 2012-10-17 14:44 發表:

價格: $380
2 Comment(s)

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

由 Karman 於 2011-02-10 18:12 發表:

價格: $260
2 Comment(s)

Wicca Tarot Cloth

Wicca Tarot Cloth

由 Bard Wu 於 2023-05-15 12:07 發表:

價格: $300
1 Comment(s)

Ocean Dreams Oracle

Ocean Dreams Oracle

由 Bard Wu 於 2023-05-15 12:23 發表:

價格: $580
1 Comment(s)

L'Oracle des lumineuses

L'Oracle des lumineuses

由 Bard Wu 於 2024-01-19 06:03 發表:

價格: $680
1 Comment(s)

The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans

The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans

由 Melpomene 於 2022-03-26 17:36 發表:
As is with most books claiming to be complete, this book served as a great general overview but was brief at best in section outside of western occultism. It goes into a range of a various talisman and amulet types ex. Egyptian, Key of Solomon, The Black Pullet, herb amulets etc... and provides some useful visuals. However, the sections that refer to culture and historical events are dubious as to their veracity, and the author neglected to give direct references for some of those instances, which made me question the overall legitimacy of this book. It also didn't help my confidence when a finalized book has a frankly hilarious typo such as quote waxing period of the mood unquote p.71 immortalized in it. I am willing to forgive it because it gave me a good laugh

Fortunately, it seems that the western occultism sections have been researched and better understood by the author, which gives me confidence in its accuracy. Overall, a decent book to refer to for beginners as a starting place and a quick guide for intermediate practitioners on western occultism.

My only complaint with the item itself is that the ink is not at all water resistant and bleeds very easily with only a minimal amount of water, hence the 4 stars. Must handle it carefully and never spill any liquids because it would ruin the pretty illustrations.

價格: $270
1 Comment(s)

Bat's Head Root

Bat's Head Root

由 w02868 於 2015-01-04 02:24 發表:
Have been using this to achieve my goals and fantasies for 4 years now. Always satisfied with the results. Highly recommended.

價格: $140
1 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick Mojo Bag

Avalon Magick Mojo Bag

由 w04441 於 2017-09-13 01:43 發表:
想同男友復合,但對方對我好多負面想法,多疑+唔信任,佢一句事實都聽唔入耳,無從入手。German 提議用 Bunish negative mojo bag. 我也乖乖隨身攜帶小袋子、許願。兩星期時間配合come back to me oil +witch bottle使用下,同佢有返野講,亦些好嘅進展,有講有笑。
(無奈早幾日佢睇到舊WhatsApp對話, 憶起舊事,又重新遠離,但我深信mojo bag 會從新再慢慢洗走佢對我唔好嘅想法~有機會再update!) ★如果你target唔係雙魚座咁飄忽/無凌兩可,應該work 得好快、而且好堅定唔會扭扭擰擰!

價格: $600
10 Comment(s)


Golden Thread Tarot Deck 2nd Edition

Golden Thread Tarot Deck 2nd Edition

Though originally starting out as an illustration project to help me create closer connections to each card, the project quickly evolved into a physical deck as well as a companion...

價格: $780

Bronze First Pentacle of Mars Talisman

Bronze First Pentacle of Mars Talisman

為配戴者帶來火星的相關能量,幫助成功及帶來勝利。 單面,黃銅 (不含鎳和鉛),不帶鍊及繩。...

價格: $380

Worry Dolls

Worry Dolls


價格: $70
2 Comment(s)

Magic Dust Angel Light

Magic Dust Angel Light

可用於任何願望的仙塵。 只需將少許仙塵灑在所需的地方或物品或灑於身上,並唸卡上的咒語並許願。...

價格: $180

Lucky Horseshoe

Lucky Horseshoe

Known traditionally to bring good fortune to those who hang it over their doorways or in their homes, a Horseshoe has long been seen as a powerful form of protection that will brin...

價格: $200

Soap: Gamblers

Soap: Gamblers

Has your luck seemed to run out when playing games of chance? Bathe with Gamblers Soap before going to the casino, racetrack or the bingo hall and watch your luck begin to change. ...

價格: $110

Soap: Helping Hand

Soap: Helping Hand

Indio Soap is made from 100% pure vegetable oils Assistance in all matters is believed to be an attribute of this popular title. On the day of a court appearance wash with Indio P...

價格: $110

Talisman for Poets

Talisman for Poets


價格: $380
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