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Practical Solitary Magic

Practical Solitary Magic

Melpomene posted on 2022-04-18 03:09 :
Overall a good starter book for ceremonial magick lite, so to speak.

Like many books of its era, it suffers from fear mongering passages and lots of opinions stated as facts ex Law of Rebound as objective fact, projection of contemporary human morality on deities, very specific ideas on spirit elementals, bashing the left hand path etc

Other problems include ill-advised practices, such as suggesting one bathe with malachite, malachite being a toxic mineral that dissolves in water, as well as dripping perfume into a stream as offerings to Ondines, which seems more like a great way to piss off water spirits for polluting their streams with synthetic chemicals.

It is a very very very Eurocentric and dated understanding of the world and magic ex Asia referred to as the Orient , but if you can look past all that I have read above, it serves as a decent start on a variety of subjects.

I personally enjoyed the dissection of the various planes and their functions towards magical working, and most of the anecdotes the author shares about her experiences. It is nice seeing a book getting down to the nitty gritty of the actual doing process of magick and the struggles one might find on their journey, as opposed to just copy pasting a bunch of spells, giving you brief reasons for their addition and then moving on.

Price: $300
1 Comment(s)

Anna. K Lenormand

Anna. K Lenormand

Bard Wu posted on 2024-01-19 06:05 :

Price: $580
1 Comment(s)

7 Sisters 4 dram

7 Sisters 4 dram

cpk posted on 2013-06-20 22:15 :
我買果支係All Purpose.佢陣味我好中意,好幽香,五會太濃.用左之後覺得各方面都真係有提升到,特別係運氣方面.用左成個月日日用都淨係用左好少,有排用.個人好推薦呢支oil !

Price: $100
2 Comment(s)

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant

Talisman of the Jupiter Pendant

麻依❤ * posted on 2008-09-02 00:49 :
我呢排好多野煩! especially 男友果D!

我前日就薰左jupiter , 想個心平靜D, 吾好再為男友D野煩心!

薰完 就好有效!!

即時 吾再為佢D野而發大睥氣! 理得佢 既 心態! haha

起碼 個心吾會甘易 激氣!! good!!!!!

Price: $380
5 Comment(s)

Avalon Magick Mojo Bag

Avalon Magick Mojo Bag

w04320 posted on 2018-02-19 01:59 :
用左Come to me 同Love drawing 1 年,好有效!
已經買左新既去更換, 誠意推薦!

Price: $600
10 Comment(s)

Talisman for Love

Talisman for Love

600714 posted on 2009-07-24 16:12 :

Price: $380
6 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

crimgrimmy posted on 2016-07-03 19:14 :
Fire of love

用後另一半的熱情大大添加, 我將少許oil的份量倒入之前用完的香氛樽插幾支木簽來散發香味擺在床頭位。wow! Amazing!
Thank you German :)

Price: $100
55 Comment(s)

Worry Dolls

Worry Dolls

貓貓 posted on 2010-01-15 01:56 :
好耐之前就買左worry dolls~~不過一直冇上黎比返評價!
又唔知點解決! 就買左佢地..諗到d咩就同worry dolls講晒,
心理上舒服左(吐晒出黎) 而且真係work,
我放返隻doll入bag果時就冇左果種feel~好似同我講佢想入返個bag度咁= ="

Price: $70
2 Comment(s)

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