



真實客戶 5 星好評查看更多...

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

Talisman Of the Venus Pendant

由 Birb 於 2020-07-08 20:43 發表:
即使有向維納斯女神祈禱同埋整 self-love jar 都係改善咗少少,但係仍然成日發作
買完呢個 talisman 之後,每日都會加埋 Avalon 嘅 Venus Oil 嚟用,向維納斯女神許願,希望佢可以幫助我更加愛錫自己
個 size 雖然比較大少少,但係即使唔放入面都襯到到衫同裙。本身個面上面有少少金屬痕,不過無整花到個陣。十分推薦比需要自愛同埋想有個人成長嘅朋友

價格: $380
8 Comment(s)

Dhanvantari Granular incense for Health & Healing

Dhanvantari Granular incense for Health & Healing

由 plutonian 於 2020-08-09 13:38 發表:
A modest amount of beautifully blent resin incense to purify and protect the person burning and the room it is placed in. As you only need a tiny piece to fill the room with its aromatic fumes, a pocket of this might last me a good month even if I use this nightly.

My decision to burn this prior to a raw drunken confessional helped immensely, as it aided in opening up my friends’ hearts to heal past wounds. The lack of a hangover and cleared sinuses is also a testament to the powerful properties of this incense.

價格: $200
1 Comment(s)

Kamini Aromatics Cone Incense

Kamini Aromatics Cone Incense

由 Birb 於 2020-04-10 22:34 發表:
買咗盒 Night Queen
佢個 size 比 HEM 嘅高啲,燒到半個鐘再耐少少
佢比人嘅感覺好精神上 empowering,可以 feel 到有啲好正面嘅能量注入緊自己到
生理上會 feel 到佢逼咗啲負能量出嚟,一開始有少少頭痛,不過 feel 到佢放咗出嚟之後就舒服晒
Overall 嚟講幾合適啲想要正能量嘅朋友 ^w^

價格: $50
1 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 600763 於 2009-03-12 22:50 發表:
Love me oil!!


價格: $90
55 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 crimgrimmy 於 2016-07-03 19:14 發表:
Fire of love

用後另一半的熱情大大添加, 我將少許oil的份量倒入之前用完的香氛樽插幾支木簽來散發香味擺在床頭位。wow! Amazing!
Thank you German :)

價格: $90
55 Comment(s)

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

Anna Riva Magick Oil 2 dram

由 600834 於 2011-09-14 18:16 發表:
之前寄左成個月信都無乜回音, 用左success 同candle 後.
一星期內就收到電話去 interview, 仲有係 4 個.
好快就有 offer!!

多謝German!! : )

價格: $90
55 Comment(s)

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

Love Pillar Candle with Fairy Dust Necklace

由 Karman 於 2011-02-10 18:12 發表:

價格: $260
2 Comment(s)

The Gothic Tarot

The Gothic Tarot

由 笨鱷 於 2010-01-13 22:00 發表:
第一次接觸這副 The Gothic Tarot 時已經好有feeling~

價格: $380
2 Comment(s)


7 Chakra Rose Quartz Angel Wand

7 Chakra Rose Quartz Angel Wand

Beautiful Angel Wands are one of a kind, and have a very strong energy. Decorated with natural chakra gemstones, eg Garnet, Carnelian, Citrine, Peridot, Rainbow Moonstone, Iolite a...

價格: $780

L'Oracle des lumineuses

L'Oracle des lumineuses

Explorez vos parts d'ombres pour entrer dans la lumière grâce à ce coffret de toute beauté conçu par Eloha Audrey Loups, thérapeute holistique et éveilleuse d'âmes, et l'ar...

價格: $680
1 Comment(s)

After Tarot

After Tarot

So what happens to the Fool, a few seconds after walking on the edge of the cliff "After Tarot" shows us the answer to this and all the other questions.. In our imagination the ...

價格: $330

Magic Dust Faerie

Magic Dust Faerie

任何有關愛情願望的仙塵。 只需將少許仙塵灑在情信,禮物等地方,或灑於身上,並唸卡上的咒語並許願。...

價格: $180

Lucky Horseshoe

Lucky Horseshoe

Known traditionally to bring good fortune to those who hang it over their doorways or in their homes, a Horseshoe has long been seen as a powerful form of protection that will brin...

價格: $200

White Sage Smudge Stick 5

White Sage Smudge Stick 5" - 7"


價格: $90

6 Pack Palo Santo Smudge Sticks

6 Pack Palo Santo Smudge Sticks


價格: $150
1 Comment(s)

Soap: Gamblers

Soap: Gamblers

Has your luck seemed to run out when playing games of chance? Bathe with Gamblers Soap before going to the casino, racetrack or the bingo hall and watch your luck begin to change. ...

價格: $110