Angel of the Day

Author(s) : Travis McHenry
Publisher : Rockpool Publishing

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Item Number: 11650
Draw a card and let the divine wisdom of 40 angels of the Shem HaMephorash flow through you.

These 40 inspirational messages come from the angels of the Shem HaMephorash, also known as the Kabbalah, an ancient system of Hebrew mysticism. The sigils on the back of each card use Kabbalistic magic to connect you directly with the divine spirits of heaven. Shuffle the deck while thinking of a question or problem you are facing. Draw a card and let the divine wisdom of the angel messenger flow through you. The message might answer your question or provide a challenge to help overcome an obstacle. You can also draw a card after waking up each morning to fill your entire day with angel energy. The ultimate goal of these cards is to inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 40 cards, 2" x 3.9"
Price: $200 HKD
VIP Member Price: $180 HKD
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